Master of Science in Information Technology (MSIT)
The Master of Science in Information Technology (MSIT) program is designed to provide students with the knowledge and skills essential to design, develop and lead Information Technology (IT) teams and projects effectively in today’s global organizations. The goal of the MSIT program is to produce qualified professionals for mid-level IT positions in small and mid-size companies. The MSIT program emphasizes real-world knowledge and practical experience in order to develop both a strong theoretical foundation and real-world experience to contribute meaningfully to IT solutions in today’s fast-paced, technologically driven global marketplace.
The MSIT program requires for a student to complete a coursework that consists of eight (8) core courses, the MSIT capstone (MIT 681), and three (3) concentrations courses from any concentrations below.
MSIT Program Objectives (PO)
Students who graduate from the MSIT program will be able to develop the following skills:
IT Leadership & Management Skills: (SkillsUSA Framework: Academic)
Demonstrate an ability to apply a significant amount of Information Technology knowledge within the following domains of the MSIT program (IT 509, ITSM 609, DMA 601, SDM 601)
IT Systems & Management
Data Analytics & Management
Software Design & Management
Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving Skills: (SkillsUSA: Workplace)
To demonstrate the ability to perform critical thinking needed to analyse, design and lead solutions for Information Technology problems using an analytical decision-making approach (IT 505, IT 507, IT 509, DMA 607, DMA 609).
Communication and Team Management Skills:(SkillsUSA: Workplace)
To demonstrate an ability to communicate effectively with all stakeholders and mobilize and lead teams for a common purpose with a clear understanding of the IT needs of the organization. (IT 501, IT 511, ITSM 601, SDM 601, SDM 609).
Integrity, Responsibility and Professionalism: (SkillsUSA: Personal)
To demonstrate the ability to understand and analyse integrity, responsibility and professionalism as they apply to information technology issues within an organization, and to apply ethical decision-making principles during day-to-day operations. (IT 501, IT 509, ITSM 603, ITSM 609, DMA 605)
MSIT Program Structure
a. Core Courses (8 Courses)
b. MSIT Concentrations and Courses (3 Courses)
A number of high-level concentration courses are available to master’s degree students in order to provide them with emerging, contemporary and diverse knowledge and skills. MSIT Program students may take concentrations courses normally after they complete the core courses. However, the academic advisor or the VP of Academic Affairs may advise a student to take concentration courses before the student has completed taking the core courses.
MSIT Program Concentrations
IT Systems & Management (ITSM)
Data Management & Analytics (DMA)
Software Design & Management (SDM)
IT Systems & Management (ITSM) Concentration (choose 3+MIT 681)
Data Management & Analytics (DMA) Concentration (choose 3+MIT 681)
Software Design & Management (SDM) Concentration (choose 3+MIT 681)
c. MSIT Capstone (4.5 credit hours)
Prerequisite: All Core and 2 Concentration Courses*
*Students can take up to three (3) courses concurrently with the capstone project course in the last quarter.Students can take up to three (3) courses concurrently with the capstone project course in the last quarter.